Friday, November 20, 2009

Don't Let Your Skin Go Dry

Natalie Katsman water makes up 60% of the human body. Not only blood and other body fluids are water as the main component, water is stored in all body tissues. Cytoplasm, cells and cell walls contain lots of water. The skin is a large water storage, but it will dry, itchy and scaly. Why? Every day, 4-8 ounces of water evaporates through the skin, and remember we do not, as it comes. Is filling of water to drink more fluids helpful not guarantee, however, smooth and elastic skin.

Moisture balance is regulated by chemical reactions in the tissues, and is not directly related to
the amount of water you drink. If we could find water applied topically, it would not be much help. Skin feels soft and supplied with moisture right after a bath: it is because (the horny layer of the outermost layer of skin), which is made up of dead skin cells, absorbs water. In a bathroom can be up to 2 ounces of water be absorbed through the skin. But the water is not allowed any deeper than the surface of cells. Later, within 10 minutes, which evaporates all the water, so that Skin dry again. Human skin has its own mechanism to prevent moisture. Our skin cells work hard to create a protective layer.

This layer consists of soluble oils, amino acids, sugar compounds and other elements, either water or oil. All together they bind with water and do not let it evaporate. Water that is not allowed to leave the skin surface to be absorbed through the stratum corneum cells. The skin becomes smoother and softer and more flexible. Hot or cold Air, low humidity, frequent contacts with water or cleansing solutions ruin the protective layer, and keep the skin loses its natural ability to moisture.

When Water level in the skin decreases by 10%, the skin becomes dry, itchy and scaly. Slows down with age, the protective mechanism of the skin down and the skin dry. In some people, dry skin is genetically inherited. Even if the outer layer of skin consists of dead cells, we need to seriously look into the matter. The primary function of the horny layer is protection of deeper skin layers where new cells are born. The regular use of moisturizing cream helps prevent Water loss, restore moisture balance and elasticity of the outer layer of skin and help to fulfill its mission. Oils, mucopolysaccharides, and fatty acids are widely used in cosmetics to prevent water. The most effective cosmetic ingredients for this purpose are liposomes, ceramides and sphingolipids.

Liposomes are microscopic areas that are used to encapsulate water, vitamins or other beneficial ingredients can. Because these elements are similar in structure to cell membrane, they are easily used by the skin. You can penetrate the skin surface, bind it with you and let the substances they wear. Ceramides and sphingolipids are the elements that hold skin cells together so that the environment does not get in and the moisture can not out. Lipids are lost with age, and the vapor barrier is weakened. Research shows that the application of ceramides currently impact the production of Ceramide production in the skin, thereby reducing the fat and strengthen the protective barrier. Look for creams with the above ingredients to keep the skin in the best condition and defy aging.