Monday, November 23, 2009

Best Anti Wrinkle Skin Care Cream

Wrinkles are the first signs of the fact that you are old, apart from the unsightly, and marring the beauty of your body. It is no wonder, then, that anti-wrinkle care is becoming a more and more increasing concern of the 21 Century obsessed with his appearance. Wrinkling is not a disease. It is Nature of the skin to weather with age, especially the parts of it regularly exposed to the sun.

This damage caused by exposure to sunlight, is called photo aging. It increases the possibility of wrinkles, dryness, and general sagging of the skin. "Kerastosis" - a crusty horn-like growth on the skin - is also likely to occur.

Before you buy an expensive anti-wrinkle skin care product from a reputable brand, there are some basic truths, you need to know. First, it is possible to control the aging process of skin? The answer is, partly. You can not hope to look 30, when 60 years of age, but with the right Care, you will probably spend over 40, it is not so bad. The way you can achieve this is not only with the best anti-wrinkle products if they help a lot. But you also have the right to eat, take your vitamins, and exposing your skin as little as possible to the sun.

The loss of firmness of the skin takes place at the molecular level. It is a slow and complicated process, and starts somewhere around the 30 "s. Clear Radicals in the skin tissue, formed to kill the bacteria in the cells to function. This inflammation is obviously part of the immune system the body. But aging and pollution increases, the amount of free radicals in the skin, which will thus increase the inflammation and released it is chronic and damaging. Anti-wrinkle care, hence the use of products should that control the formation of free radicals and Amino acid-protein complexes and decreases inflammatory function.