Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What can cause fungal infection?

Fungus grows when the skin is warm and moist. When the space between your toes, the skin folds in the groin and the armpits are not kept dry, they signal an invitation to such fungal infection. Some tips to prevent fungal infection are:

• Do not walk barefoot in areas where the floor is wet, as in a bathroom or around a swimming pool, as fungus tends to be present in these areas.

• Avoid borrowing personal napkins, towels, combs and hairbrushes as they may be infected. Make sure you use your own personal items because fungal infections are easily
transmissible. Any item that comes into contact with the affected areas must be sterilised before use.

• Nylon socks and covered shoes make your feet sweat. Wear cotton socks to absorb the sweat, or open-toe sandals if your feet sweat profusely.

How can I treat fungal infection?

Dirty skin along with excess sweating provides an ideal medium for the growth of the fungal infection. Therefore the best way to prevent such infections is to maintain proper skin hygiene. For treatment of fungal infections, please contact your skin specialist at Max Healthcare.

Hives or Urticaria

Hives, also known as Urticaria or pitts, are sharply defined swellings of skin that are temporary in nature. They are an allergic response of the body to certain substances.

What can causes Hives?

There are several substances that we come in contact with in our daily lives that can cause an allergic response in some people. While the allergen is different for each person, some of the substances known to cause allergic reactions like hives are foods like nuts and eggs, drugs like aspirin. Even sunlight, cold and sweat can cause hives.